Allerdale GDF Community Partnership

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Aspatria Dreamscheme
£50,000 and £22,326

Project Overview

Aspatria Dreamscheme is a youth and community project and a registered charity. Their purpose is to work with young people over the medium to long term to raise aspirations, improve social welfare and build mental and emotional resilience by providing activities that challenge their view of the world and offering opportunities to grow and achieve their goals in a safe constructive environment.

Their work primarily focuses on disadvantaged young people between the ages of 11 and 19 but over recent years they have expanded their reach to provide further opportunities for older and younger people in the community to meet regularly and take part in fun and challenging community learning activities.

The charity was awarded £50,000 to start the development of a recently acquired building into a community asset.

Chapels Rest will be used to deliver a wide range of community-based activities and provide a Community Hub for Aspatria and its surrounding villages.

The charity were further awarded £22,326 to appoint a part-time Community Engagement, Activities and Wellbeing Co-ordinator responsible for delivering a range of activities for different age groups, such as:

  • Social sessions – dance/drama/music sessions
  • Reading club – self-care activities
  • Walking football – ‘just 4 kicks’ (under 4 yrs old and parents)
  • Outdoor activities (walking, canoeing, swimming)
  • Gentle exercise (such as armchair keep fit)
  • Gardening
  • Games, puzzles and quiz activities