Allerdale GDF Community Partnership

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Information Advice & Fitness

Project Overview

Information Advice and Fitness CIC (Community Interest Company) works to support older people or people with physical or low level mental health problems.


They were awarded £2,086 to pilot three health and wellbeing groups in Maryport and Aspatria:

The Postural Stability Exercise Program delivered in Aspatria
Social Activity sessions delivered in Maryport and Aspatria
Art Therapy sessions delivered in Maryport


The intention is to run this pilot project in the hopes of running each of the groups on a longer term basis going forward.



“It’s often difficult to explain to people why, when you have chronic pain, you become reluctant to exercise but your understanding of how with care we can overcome the fear of more pain and begin to loose the fear of falling by gentle, repetitive exercise has been a revelation and I am extremely grateful to you for your constant awareness of just how much is too much. My end of course assessment is evidence of the benefit of your exercise programme and my improved confidence in increasing my resistance and length of time I exercise is not something I would have achieved on my own (many years of failed attempts to restart my exercises is testament to that). My muscle strength has improved and I’m looking forward to further improvement over the next few weeks. Many many thanks.”

– Postural Stability Exercise Program Participant 

Sarah Jackson, Director of Information Advice and Fitness CIC, explains how a grant from the Allerdale GDF Community Partnership’s Community Investment Fund is supporting their work to help people to live longer, better in Cumbria.